Management Training

Employees are Ready to Leave Their Job

by Sam Slay
Leaving your organization

Leaving your organization

According to a recent poll, 84% percent of ALL employees surveyed are looking to leave their current jobs. It is no wonder why employers are scared. They should treat employees better.

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Sam SlayEmployees are Ready to Leave Their Job

Managers Serve Employees!

by Sam Slay

Managers must serve for the benefit of their employees. Sometimes we get that message backwards. We think we only serve the executives. In fact, we serve employees because they are ultimately the ones who will decide if the organization will succeed or fail. Why did you become a manager? If you became a manager so you could boss people around, you will fail. It doesn’t work, never has, and never will. If you became a manager to make things better for those you work with, then you are on the right track. Now you will become the most effective if you keep this in mind.

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Sam SlayManagers Serve Employees!

The One Percent CEO – How to Make Micromanagement Work For You

by Sam Slay

Micromanagement has always appeared synonymous with decreased productivity. It has also been considered a four-letter word when it is applied to “effective management.” I’m here to set the record straight. Micromanagement is a GOOD thing. Yes, I said a good thing. Are you shocked? Well you should be! It seems all the journals, advertisements, and speeches say that micromanagement is a BAD thing. We have been overwhelmingly taught that this practice will shut down assembly lines, stifle staff and management, and result in a loss of performance. This is not true, so let’s put micromanagement into its proper perspective. When I am finished you might just start using the phrase and the practice more often, and tell everyone else why it is a GOOD thing.

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Sam SlayThe One Percent CEO – How to Make Micromanagement Work For You