Employee Development

Before You Throw EMT, Create TDC

by Sam Slay

Don’t throw Education, Motivation and Training at employees until you add the adhesive that will make it stick – “The Desired Culture”.  Are you the employer that thinks you can stick people in a room with a motivational speaker until they get motivated.  Do you show them videos and send them newsletters promoting motivation in the work place?  And do you do all of this in vein because you failed to determine what the real needs of your employees are?  

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Sam SlayBefore You Throw EMT, Create TDC

Employees Want to Succeed!

by Sam Slay

What is it that you have hired your people to do? Do you have an accurate job description that explains what they are supposed to do? Has it been updated when job duties changed or were modified from the original objectives? Your employees want to succeed. Do not set up your good employees for failure. They need to know very specifically what it is you would like them to do. Despite popular belief they cannot read your mind.

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Sam SlayEmployees Want to Succeed!

Do You Talk With Or at Your Employees?

by Sam Slay

Surveys say organizations that regularly communicate with staff report employee engagement, lower turnover, and higher financial performance.

If you want employees to think of your business like their own you must communicate more often and more effectively. What is so secret that you can’t share with your employees. I will grant you that their are some things you’d rather not report, but why try and keep everything a mystery. Employees will be more engaged if you engage them. Employees will remain in your employment if they know you care about them. Employees can do two things immediately to help you. They can save you money and/or they can bring you NEW paying customers. They will not do this by mandate. They will only do this through encouragement and if they believe you will remember what’s in it for them. Pay is a short term motivator, but don’t forget it is important. If they can’t feed their families and pay their bills, then all the motivation in the world is not going to keep them. If they do stay they will not be very productive on your behalf.

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Sam SlayDo You Talk With Or at Your Employees?

Are Your Employees Experiencing Burn-Out?

by Sam Slay

43% of two thousand senior executives and managers surveyed say they feel personal, home, and family life are balanced.

As a young employee I would think nothing of working extended or even excessive hours to get the job done. Now I realize how unfortunate this may have been on my life and career. You need to get away from work. You need to be removed mentally as well as physically so that you can de-stress and re-energize before you come back.

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Sam SlayAre Your Employees Experiencing Burn-Out?

Do You Pay Employees More Money For Doing a Better Job?

by Sam Slay

52% of 10 thousand US workers polled say they do not get paid more for doing a better job. Should you get more pay for doing a better job? I believe you should be paid more. If you do more than the average bear, then you should get paid more than the average bear. The future is in pay-for-performance. This is going to happen not because it is the vogue thing to do, it is going to happen as a necessity for the most successful companies. Unless you are in a government job where pay-for-performance is not yet an option, you will be expected to perform to get any additional money and often to avoid job loss. What can you do?

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Sam SlayDo You Pay Employees More Money For Doing a Better Job?